0Absence Leave request form
Please enter the details of your absence leave request below.
- It will be sent to your line manager and HR for approval.
- Ensure details are accurate, please provide a reason if required.
- NOTE: Requests must be made a minimum of one week before leave start date.
Please refer to our absence & holiday entitlement policy for any guidance.
1Line manager approve request?
Assigned to: Line manager
Please review this request, if not approved you will be prompted for the reason why.
Requested by {employee_name} on {create-date}.
2HR: Review and approve request?
Assigned to: Finance (Group)
Please review this request and current entitlement, if not approved you will be prompted for the reason why.
Requested by {employee_name} on {create-date}.
3HR: Update records for {employee_name}
Importance: Essential
Leave has been approved by {linemanager} and HR team.
Requested by {employee_name} on {create-date}.
- Start date: {start_date}
- End date: {end_date}
- Absence type: {absence_type}
- Email used: {submit-email}
- Any notes: {request_notes}
Please update HR absence records for {created-by}.
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