Absence Leave Request Approval Template (with Form)

HR, Digital FormsbeSlick
Making absence leave requests easy is key to a great employee experience – after all, holidays are their number one employment benefit!

This Digital Forms based Template can also be tailored for any approval process in your business. It helps you keep track of progress and past requests.

It provides users instant visibility of their requests – reducing email overload for HR and line managers.

First the form captures information and creates a Task once submitted. The Task passes through the line manager, then HR for approval and to update any records.

  • Use Template – will import into your Organisation, or help you create a trial if needed.
  • Preview Template – will show you how it looks in the beSlick platform.

You can watch a short video of how it works in beSlick here:

0Absence Leave request form

Please enter the details of your absence leave request below.

  • It will be sent to your line manager and HR for approval.
  • Ensure details are accurate, please provide a reason if required.
  • NOTE: Requests must be made a minimum of one week before leave start date.

Please refer to our absence & holiday entitlement policy for any guidance.

Your email:*
Your name:*
Line manager:*

If you are requesting one day, your start and end date should be the same.
Start date of absence:*
End date of absence:*
Type of absence:*

If you will be absent for only part of a day or have other special requirements, please detail them here.
Request notes (optional):
*Required to complete step

1Line manager approve request?

Assigned to: Line manager

Please review this request, if not approved you will be prompted for the reason why.

Requested by {employee_name} on {create-date}.



2HR: Review and approve request?

Assigned to: Finance (Group)

Please review this request and current entitlement, if not approved you will be prompted for the reason why.

Requested by {employee_name} on {create-date}.



3HR: Update records for {employee_name}

Importance: Essential

Leave has been approved by {linemanager} and HR team.

Requested by {employee_name} on {create-date}.

  • Start date: {start_date} 
  • End date: {end_date} 
  • Absence type: {absence_type} 
  • Email used: {submit-email} 
  • Any notes: {request_notes} 

Please update HR absence records for {created-by}.

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beSlick embeds processes like these into your organisation, so it runs like clockwork.

Click ‘Use template’ to add to your Organisation or start a free trial – we’ll help your teams get it right, every time.