Updating your website

Standing out and being seen online has never been more important. Give your website that competitive edge…. Here’s our template of things you need to think about when updating your website.

This process features on our list of 25 processes every business needs.

1Determine what you actually need to do

Importance: Essential

What is the update? SEO, content, brand refresh, A/B testing, general maintenance?

Determine the update to your website and allocate steps according to the chosen update. If there are multiple updates around one set update, consider adding and removing steps to make your task suit the update you are wanting to be completed.

Will you need an agency to help you? Link here to your hiring an agency template!

Hire an agency? YES/NO:*
*Required to complete step

2Create a content plan for the update

Importance: Essential

Establish the plan for your website update, identifying:

– call to action
– who is responsible
– customer journey
– potential of boosting conversions

Use our attached ‘Website Content Plan Template’ to outline what this update will entail.

Website Content Plan Template.xlsx

3Don’t lose sight of the customer journey

Importance: Optional

What does the customer need from your site? Is the information easily accessible?

Consider arranging a meeting with your customer engagement team about their ongoing strategy. Assign this step to the person responsible so they can confirm the customer journey has been considered for the update.


Morning/ Afternoon

I have been organising the [WRITE UPDATE SUBJECT] to our website for the [DEADLINE]. To test and make sure this update is reflective of our current customer journey, please can you accept my meeting.

Many thanks,


Meet customer journey?:*
*Required to complete step

4It needs to look good

Importance: Optional

How does it look? Is it easy to navigate? Is the CTA obvious?

If you company has a design and product development team, add them to this step to get their thoughts.

5It has to function properly

Importance: Essential

Have you tested its usability? This is an important step and would be good to set up a meeting with your colleagues to help you test the update to ensure it works as planned.

Use our ‘Usability testing template’ for your meeting: processbliss.com/library/usability-testing

Arrange meeting? YES/NO:*


Morning/ Afternoon

I have been organising the [WRITE UPDATE SUBJECT] to our website for the [DEADLINE]. To test this works as planned, please accept the meeting to this email so we can work out it’s functionality before the scheduled release.

Many thanks,


*Required to complete step

6What other tools can support your website efforts?

Importance: Optional

Are you using Google Analytics, marketing automation, third party plugins?

7Don’t forget SEO

Importance: Optional

Can people find your site online? Is the site structure as good as it could be? Do you need specialist help?

If you need further internal or external help, write on this step the contacts you suggest to help you complete your step.

Need help to complete task?:*
*Required to complete step

8Schedule regular updates

Importance: Optional

Updating your website is a regular activity. Using the content plan in step 2, create future tasks from this template based on the due dates you have set.

9Consider the long term

Importance: Optional

Marry the long term business strategy with your website development plans.

Use our ‘Schedule of Activities Template’ to put all changes and planned updates to your website.

Schedule Of Activities Template.xlsx

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