Digital Forms For Rapid Data Collection

Easily create and share online forms and surveys, and analyze responses in real-time.

Five stars review recommendation on Capterra, Software Advice and GetApp review platforms

be Automated

Use submitted data as shortname variables that tailor tasks based on the information provided.

be Compliant

Every submission or data change has a time stamped audit trail for absolute confidence in the provenance of your data.

be Efficient

Make common work requests forms available to all, even externally, that automatically assign tasks for completion.
beSlick Digital Forms - workflow software feature

Build Your Form

  • Capture Essentials: Choose from various answer types such as text, numbers, dates, radio buttons and dropdown lists.

  • Add Branding: Add your company logo, a cover image or a video to your form.

  • Accept Attachments: Allow users to upload documents like briefs, images, PDFs, and more.
beSlick Digital Forms - workflow software feature

Share Your Form

  • Manage Permissions: Restrict access to people within your company or share it publicly online.

  • Increase Visibility: Provide a direct link to your form or embed it on private or public websites.

  • Send Confirmation: Automatically deliver a confirmation message to users after they submit the form.
beSlick Digital Forms - workflow software feature

Initiate Tasks Immediately

  • Receive Responses: Link your form to a workflow to automatically generate a task in our workflow software app for each response.

  • Ensure Follow-Up: Utilize automations to promptly assign, organize, and schedule follow-up tasks.

  • Analyze Reporting: Gather detailed data on task progress and outcomes, enabling in-depth analysis and insights for continuous improvement.

beSlick integrated features

be collaborative

  • View and manage everyone’s work in real time.
  • Automatically notify each team member when things need doing.
  • Raise & resolve issues as tasks progress.

beSlick Workflow Builder - workflow software feature

be consistent

  • Easily create complex process & workflows
  • Centralize in your secure, searchable library.
  • Run as task checklists that exactly follow the process.
  • Everyone knows what to do and when it needs to be done.

beSlick Digital Forms - workflow software feature

be productive

  • Standardize information with online forms, reducing errors.
  • Approvals, onboarding, requests & audits.
  • Use internally or externally, for clients or suppliers.
  • Implement in minutes, not months.

beSlick Compliance Reporting - workflow software feature

be informed

  • See progress, what is overdue and issues raised.
  • When something can't be done, see why.
  • Every activity is timestamped with an audit trail.
  • Visual data you can analyse for informed decision making.

be compliant

  • Real-time process compliance.
  • Track non-confrmance, see why.
  • Full timestamped audit trail.
  • Group based permissions handling.

beSlick Mobile Workflow App - workflow software feature

be focused

  • Every user enjoys a daily to-do list of what to focus on.
  • Prioritize, snooze, reassign & email integration.
  • Automated notifications ensure nothing gets missed.

Time to make work better

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Matthew Cole profile picture
Matthew Cole
CFO, Shoe Depot

"beSlick forms are a really powerful tool ... wow, this has transformed my business."

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I share beSlick digital forms between teams within my business?

Yes, absolutely. Using beSlick public forms, it will generate a unique url that you can share with anyone – including clients or suppliers. These urls can then be embedded in SharePoint or other intranet software, on your website or in email communication. When these forms are submitted it will create a task that automatically notifies everyone involved what they need to next with that information.

An effective team is one that has the right information, at the right time, in the right format – and using public forms is an excellent way to increase the productivity of your team. Example scenarios include supplier onboarding, maintenance issues, employee onboarding, customer deliveries, sales enquiries, purchase requests and more.

Can I invite people from outside of my business to collaborate on beSlick digital forms?

Yes, and the best news is that these users are not charged – they are called guest users and they are free. When you assign a step to someone that is outside of your organisation they will receive an invite to create a secure password and become a guest member. They will only be able to see the task they are involved in, and only be able to interact with steps that are assigned to them. They won’t be able to access templates, or see comments on steps not assigned to them. This is a great way to manage workload or customer onboarding with clients, or assign onboarding tasks to new employees.

Can I add due dates or reminders to beSlick digital forms?

Yes, if you’re using a form as a step in a task, you can assign it to an individual, group or (by using shortnames) an email or a selection from a previous step. Due dates on this step can be set in the same way; calculated based on the due date of a step or the task start/end date, or using a date that has been entered in a previous step.

beSlick will automatically notify the owner of the step when it needs doing. It notifies them as soon as the form is available to do, the day before it is due and the day after it is due (overdue). It notifies them by email, in the web app and on the mobile app. This way you can ensure that forms are always completed on time!

Can I create custom digital forms with the beSlick tool?

Yes, you can create forms in beSlick with a number of different field options including short text, long text, phone number, email, dropdowns, radio buttons and checkboxes – all with different validation types. You can also insert text or attach files to your form, and even embed video, to make them as helpful as possible to the person that needs to complete them.

Any data that has been submitted can be referred to and used later in the task by using shortnames. So a dropdown can be used to assign later steps, or a date field can be used to define the due date of a task as an example.